Our Travel Advisors at Anchors Away Travel take the time to test drive as many travel products as we can, so that we can provide our clients with first-hand knowledge. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it! We spend time touring the resorts, experiencing cruise ships and  exploring the far away towns, meeting locals and key destination experts.  If we haven't made it there quite yet, we certainly can find someone in our network that has. We can give you the real feel for your destination -wherever you may land! No more lost time for you, searching through Photo-Shopped photos and conflicting online reviews.





Dedicated to helping our clients travel better, our experienced agents are passionate about sharing their industry knowledge and first-hand insights.


Kelly Furtado
Anchors Away Travel - Travel For a Lifetime!
Tod Ulrey
Helping others make New Memories through travel
© 2024 Travel Leaders Group